Wednesday 29 November 2017

Angela Merkel: End smuggling and slavery, allow legal migration for Africans

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday stressed the importance of ending smuggling and slavery while creating a legal route for Africans to come to Europe as she faces pressure at home to tackle a migrant influx. 

Speaking at an EU-Africa summit in Abidjan, Merkel is seeking to show Germany can take foreign policy action despite still being under a caretaker government two months after an election.

“There is a common interest in ending illegal immigration,” Merkel said. “This plays a role all over the African continent now because there are reports that young African men are being sold like slaves in Libya.”  

Libya is now the main departure point for mostly African migrants trying to cross to Europe. Smugglers usually pack them into flimsy inflatable boats that often break down or sink. 

Acting German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets with Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara

Angela Merkel, who in 2015 decided to open Germany’s borders to migrants, said legal options should be created for Africans to be able to get training or study in an EU country. 

Speaking on the sidelines of the summit, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, from the SPD, suggested that Europe could offer several hundred thousand places each year as long as those people returned voluntarily after three or four years.  

But Guenter Nooke, Merkel’s Africa envoy from her Christian Democrats (CDU), was more sceptical: “No interior minister will let hundreds of thousands in if he is not sure that most of them will return,” he said

More important than creating legal migration options was to create more opportunities for young people at home, Nooke said, noting that Africa’s population could double from a current 1.2 billion by 2050.  
“It’s all about creating seeds for growth, with industrial parks and special economic zones. It is a question of jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs,” he said. 

The summit was due to focus on education, investment in youth and economic development to discourage refugees and economic migrants from attempting the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean Sea. 



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